Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The BF aka The Body Finder

The sheer incredibleness of this book's awesomity has left me completely overwhelmed. I am obsessed. I just finished reading and I want to just start it over again. I was so stressed and excited and nervous and anxious and frustrated and EVERYTHING while reading this book that I had to just stop and take a moment to catch my breath. I feel a little foolish for becoming so involved. It was like I was there. For every creepy moment, my skin was crawling and I felt like I needed to carry my mace around with me. For every lovey moment, I just wanted to giggle. And I have never loved and hated the word tantalizing so much in my life. This book was amazing. I'm amazed.

Disclaimers (aka little spoilers...not big ones):
  • There is a serial killer.  Which is creepy. You get some killer POV. Which is THE CREEPIEST. So if that is a deterrent, be deterred.
  • There is one f-word about mid-way through the book. And a smattering of other "regular" expletives. So if that is a deterrent, be deterred.
  • There is girl loves boy stuff. And some pretty intense kissing. So if you aren't interested in hearing about how great this guy is or voyeuring on some very fun kissing scenes (and one really UN-fun kissing scene)...then don't read it.
  • The book is Young Adult. I mean, make sure you don't somehow tell some child to read this book. (See above.)

You can read an excerpt (the first 70 pages, I think) right here.