Thursday, October 22, 2009

Things I Do While On The Phone

1. Say "ummm" a lot. I don't like for there to be any soft of silence on the phone. I think its awkward and unnatural. So while waiting for my mouth and brain to meet up, I say ummm. You know, I say ummm so much that I even write and type ummms. Because, ummm, why wouldn't you?
2. Draw. If you hadn't noticed...I love paint. Computer paint. You know that thing that's been around since before time began. Love it. And its just very soothing. Also I love doodling on paper with pen but that wastes trees. So go green. Paint.
3. Make goofy faces. Mostly pursing my lips. Like when I'm bored. Or rolling my eyes when someone is difficult. Or grimacing before I give someone bad news. Yeah. Awesome.
4. Waves. "Have a good day." "You too." "Good bye". *waves* Ummm...Amber, they can't see you. It's very strange and I can't help myself.
5. Flip off the phone. This is rare and only happens when someone is being a big cheese head. Then I give them the one finger salute. Swallow my pride. And continue being helpful and pleasant with the other person being none the wiser.
6. Talk on the phone.