Wednesday, November 24, 2010

ITs A Conspiracy

I never thought I would be one of these people. No. I did not. Because until recently I didn't believe it was true. But now I know different. The "support" people of the world are the worst. Now granted not all of them. At my job I have a great rapport with our IT people, and since I am technically adept and able to assist with their menial when I have a problem our IT people help me and as swiftly as they can. So okay great. BUT IN GENERAL, I'm going to say that IT people or Support people are the worst. I recently have been having issues with my iTunes account. And you all know how much I love me some iTunes. So it is a terrible thing. Two of my iTunes accounts just won't let me buy anything. It was the worst. And wasn't a problem with my money. So I ask IT what's up. And they basically have no idea. And are useless. And I emailed with them back and forth for 3 weeks. I sent them step by step photos of what what going on. And still useless. Same thing with my phone that was freezing every 15 minutes then needing to be re-booted. The phone people were SOOOOO not helpful. So I have come to a conclusion. I am going to be an IT person when I grow up. And I'm going to be uber helpful and efficient and lovable. And I will restore humanity's faith in the IT departments of the world.

IT person, seriously if I tell you what my problem is and how exactly you can fix it...and you just don't because you don't believe me...doesn't that just make you look like a lazy idiot? Yeah it does.
This is me saying "double-ewe tee eff!!!!"


Anonymous said...

The tasks you help with are not menial, they are very important. And, you always do a super job and I always appreciate your help. I wish I could be of assistance with iTunes.

Happy Thanksgiving AJo!
