Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Surprising Adventures of Baron Münchhausen

I am not a hypochondriac.
Sure if there is something wrong with me and freak out and I am certain that it’s something completely serious. Sure I’ve had the flu and written out a will because I was sure it was the end. But I am not a hypochondriac. But I think I do know what is wrong with me.
I was reading on the internet the other day about Münchausen Syndrome and I figured it out. I have that. I am a münchauser. Wiki says, in Münchausen syndrome, the affected person exaggerates or creates symptoms of illnesses in themselves to gain investigation, treatment, attention, sympathy, and comfort from medical personnel. Now I hate the hospital and I hate being sick. And I don’t pretend that I’m sick because when I’m sick I really do have the symptoms. But after reading up on Münchausen Syndrome, I’m starting to recognize in myself the latent potential to pretend I’m sick for attention. After reading up on it, I’m seeing the symptoms in myself. So I’m not really and münchauser yet, but I can see that I will be. I’m like a münchauser munchkin.
But acknowledgment is the first step to recovery. So I am pretty sure I will be able to beat this thing.

Also, I’m pretty sure that I really do have a brain tumor and that is the reason for all my other symptoms that can't be explained by Münchausen Syndrome.  Even though my CT scan didn’t show anything. But I repeat, I am not a hypochondriac.