Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I have been thinking about this for a long time. A LONG time. Since the eighth grade in fact. And it’s time I said something. Otherwise…you’ll never get another blog out of me.
sending MESSAGES INSTEAD OF TALKING is straight from THE DEVIL himself.
Now don’t get me wrong. I love them. I love texting. I love instant messages. I love e-mail. When I was eleven I loved going to chatrooms with groups of my friends and just saying funny things. (Don’t worry we never talked to strangers privately.)
But I can pretty much blame every problem I have ever had on my using one of these mediums to communicate. Because it really takes a lot of cajones to say something in person (or even on the phone) but, honestly, there’s hardly any immediate fallout from a message. It seems safe and cushy and hardly real. And that’s the problem. It’s not real. But it affects things that are real.
I was reading an article the other day about something very similar. Basically it said that Satan really tries to make us do things as virtually as possible because it’s just as destructive to our spirits and also takes away the whole point of having a body.
What are you talking about, Amber? I don’t know. Just hear me out.
Well okay so I don’t really have any like big examples but I first started thinking judgment was skewed while not seeing the person or even hearing the person in Junior High. When I told “Thomas” that I liked “John.” Why in the world would I have done that? “Thomas” and I weren’t that close of friends. Basically it was from a messenger induced inebriation. What resulted of this confession? Nothing good. “Thomas” told “John” and “John” was not at all excited that I liked him and said something and pretended to staple himself in the head to show his displeasure. Why do I know this is what went down? Because “Thomas” told me over messenger that is what happened. If “Thomas” and I had been speaking instead of messengering I feel certain this would not have ever been disclosed.
More recently I was texting my dear friend and he said something kind of peculiar. He said something about wanting to go on a date to see if we could maybe like each other as like more than friends”. Before you being to SQUEEEE with delight, know that he wasn’t interested in me romantically. He had simply found out that I was once interested in him romantically and was wondering if I would be again. We met and had dinner, decided friendship was our path, and then we were good. That is until I texted him and was like “Maybe you should try liking me because I think I might like you again a little.” UMMMMM HELLO, AMBER, ARE YOU CRAZY?! (In my defense, my brothers-in-law (2 and 3) and their wives were like “Text him. Do it.” And in their defense we were at my Grandmother’s viewing and were not thinking straight. Oh and did I mention that I texted him WHILE HE WAS ON A DATE WITH SOMEONE! Terrible idea.) And then basically I didn’t hear from him. It was awesome. (Boo. Not really awesome.) Then we had a phone chat and we patched things up and now we’re good. Yay!
And then remember when I texted some other young man of my acquaintance a couple of months ago on my BIRTHDAY and said this “So I don’t know if you’ve worked this out or not but I like you and I’m just wondering if you might be interested in seeing if there is something here? Don’t worry about making me mad or anything like that…I’m honestly just asking you to just quietly ponder what you think. And as a special birthday present to me can you please make sure that we’re still friends after you’ve read this?”
AM I ON DRUGS? No, readers. I am not. I am just a victim of the message.
Though I suffer from word bulimia as a speaker, verbal communication is the far safer course. For when text/messengering I am a complete idiot.

What’s the lesson? Stick to blogging as my only form of communication.


Holly Nielsen said...

Oh My Gosh! I love this! I totally agree with it 100%. I hide behind my phone, especially when telling someone or asking someone if they like me. I try so hard to text less.
Your thoughts are way good.
Is there a follow button for your blog? lol

Anonymous said...

Funny....I remember all these incidents......And you're totally right! Why do you think that back in the day people wrote love letters? It's because it's easier to say what you really feel without worrying about facial expressions or immediate reactions. Old people had it so good......

Joe and Annie said...

I feel like I want to call you now, but here I am writing you a message...gosh!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, interesting blog. I've always hated the concept of text messaging in the first place -- especially if it has anything to do with lurve stuff. What happened to the days of getting asked on a date on the phone, or even in person?