Monday, September 27, 2010

Being Hated

A while back my job description changed. It is not a raise, nor a demotion. It’s just a change to a different position within my same office. Upside of this position: I don’t ever have to talk on the phone, I no longer need to whine about how annoying the people on the phone are, I was restored to my original large and beautiful cubicle, and I’m the only person doing what I’m doing so that’s job security. Downside of this position: I am DESPISED by one of the ladies at work. She is in fact the Death Wisher of Me.
Why does she hate me so much you ask? Well, it’s because my new job is to scan in all of our old documents into the computer and we will eventually get rid of the paper documents and stop archiving those papers. Evidently, this equates to murdering babies in her mind. She HATES me. In the mornings, I feel the icy-chill of death wishes emanating from her cubicle as I walk by. I say “hello” and all I get in return are death glares.
I was speaking with “Jenn” about this lady the other day. “Jenn” had been working with some scanned documents and the DWoM got very frustrated and grumpy with “Jenn” because she didn’t feel the scanned documents were correct. “Jenn” said the DWoM treated her like a bad person. I remarked that while DWoM may think “Jenn” is a bad person…that the DWoM treats me like I am the great satan. I also spoke to my boss regarding the DWoM, he advised against being alone in a stairwell with DWoM. We would have laughed had it not been such a sincere warning.
So I ask, how does one react to being loathed?


Jill said...

Kill her with kindness! Compliment her and go out of your way to be syrupy sweet, it'll drive her crazy!

Alison Wonderland said...

Actually I work with a gal who really doesn't like me, but then I don't really like her either so it doesn't bother me.