Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Flip flops. I love them. You love them. They are not a craze for nothing. But I also hate them a little bit. Why? Because I hate the flip and the flop of them. Seriously they are the world’s noisiest shoes.
Flip flops have become frowned upon at my job because my big boss doesn’t really like them. They haven’t been banned outright…but you get sort of a look when you wear them. And well they are not really something you can hide when you’re walking past your bosses office. Sure, no one looks at the shoes you’re wearing really. No one notices. That is unless your shoes are flipping and flopping around sounding like you’ve got on inverted tap shoes. Thwack thwack thwack! Maybe I’ll trying walking slower. THWACK THWACK THWACK! Okay that just made it worse. Maybe I’ll try this gripping technique with my toes… THWACK THWACK THWACK! Oh forget it. And you are forced to just blatantly admit that you are wearing flip flops. There really is no disguise for them.
So I’m ready to convince myself that flip flops are awful. Here is why:

  1. They are unprofessional.
  2. Unless regularly pedicured, you run the risk of growing hobbit feet.
  3. Your feet not only start looking deformed and calloused but also impossibly dirty since you’re basically walking around barefoot-ish.
  4. They are so unprofessional.
  5. Oh I give up.
Who am I kidding? I love you flip flops. And I’m sorry you’re so loud that I can’t covertly wear you to work. We’ll always have the weekends.


Jenn said...

I feel like I wrote this post.

Alison Wonderland said...

I also am a flip flop devotee. But it's too cold now anyway. Mine are hibernating until next summer, when we shall resume our affair.

Kami said...

When I think of flip flops and winter, it always brings me back to you, jr. high, and Jason Stephens.