Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's Curtains For You, buster!

Ever since I was, oh, seven or so I have lived in a house with shower doors. Shower doors are totally awesome. They hold your towel on the outside so it’s nice and dry and ready for you. And can hold your washcloth on the inside. And the steamy upper portions that do not touch water makes an excellent scratch paper for all your shower time math needs. Not to mention preventing water from splashing all over the floor.
So when I go on vacation and I am forced to shower where there is a shower CURTAIN…it is something I am not used to. And I HATE it. How do people live like this? First of all who had the brilliant idea that a sheet would be the best way to contain water? Honestly the shower curtain always leaks all over the place. Granted, I am not a professional shower curtainist so I could just have poor shower curtain placement technique but honestly closing a door is much easier and more effective.
Also does the shower curtain lean in and try to attack other people? Or am I just like super attractive to the creeper plastic curtain? Because the curtain will not stay draped gently to the side of the tub…oh no it will not! It wafts toward me like it has some fiendish intent.
And shower curtains that are closed always just feel like someone is creepering on the other side. When I go into a bathroom with a drawn shower curtain, I always have to check and make sure that no one is lurking behind the curtain. And while showering I am constantly nervous that someone is just outside the shower. It’s just creepy.
And hair! I have long dark hair…and I shed like a cat in the early summer. Plastic just attracts hair so by the time I’m done with my shower there is an entire wigs worth of hair accumulated along the plastic curtain. And it’s revolting. 

This would be the shower they'd make me use in hell...a wrap around curtain... 

In summation, I highly recommend everyone invest in shower doors. They are just better.


Mike said...

So funny, Amber! There really is nothing like being attacked by a shower curtain. Another advantage to doors: One time on my mission I tried to step out of the shower and slipped and fell in a crumbled, wet, heap on the ground, clothed only by a nasty, moldy shower curtain, stuck to me like I had just taken a shower in some kind of adhesive. I think a door would have provided more support, and I could have had a rail or something to support myself on to save myself, instead, I almost died. And the curtain wasn't much better off either.

LindseyWatts said...

You have serious issues with bathrooms don't you?

But I do also hate the attacking curtain, you def. Have to stand at the right place in the shower and have the shower head spouting the water in the right way for it to not attack. Also, I think having a fan (even one of those that turn on automatically) or having a window open can cause the curtain to attack

Alison Wonderland said...

I am also a fan of the shower door. But I don't think I feel as strongly as you do.