Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It’s a new year. And resolutions are a plenty. Resolutions. That word has always seemed funny to me. 10 months out of the year resolution is something that has to do with pixels and image quality. Then for the tail-end of December and the month of January resolutions take on a whole other meaning. Somehow resolutions mean…I’m going to try to be better than I am. Anywho, in keeping with the widespread tradition of setting resolutions, I have been thinking and thinking and thinking about resolutions in general. And I’ve come to the conclusion that my year-time definition (pixels, etc) is still applicable during the holiday season. Because we are setting goals to become the hi-res version of ourselves. To make our image sharper. To add more detail. Ya dig me? 

Okay so here are some of my HD upgrades for the year:
1. Keep my dumpster of a room clean and tidy.
2. ZUMBA! Because it’s fun and fit.
3. Enjoy two hikes. Not go on 2 hikes and complain. But go on as many hikes as I have to so that I can enjoy 2 of them. And that resolution goes hand in hand with…
4. Enjoy nature.
5. Kiss a boy who I like and who likes me.
6. Not bad mouth people. (I’ll admit it…I’m a gossip monger. It’s a terrible terrible habit.)
7. Blog at least once a week. (Is that the sound of cheering that I hear?)
8. Finish writing my book. (I’m looking at you Maggie.)
9. Get ready every day. Even if I’m sick or tired or not going anywhere or seeing anyone. EVERY DAY.
10. ________________________ (This one is SECRET.)
So. I’m thinking that of all my resolutions probably only 1 or 2 of them will work out. BUT who knows…maybe all of them will and I’ll be AMBER HD. Will I have to buy a Blu-Ray if that happens…hmmm…


Alison Wonderland said...

I'm stoked for Amber HD. (Of course I love Amber low res too sooo...)

LindseyWatts said...

i whole heartedly support your once a week blogging. but are you really going to get ready when you're sick? that's the beauty (no pun intended, maybe) of being sick. you can be ugly as sin and no one can say anything about it.