Monday, October 12, 2009

I have been ripped off by Itunes!

Now those of you who know me, know that I have an iTunes addiction. I mean I literally stay up until the new songs and etc show up on Tuesday morning (really Monday night). I love iTunes. I spend just roughly half of all my earnings on iTunes. Yeah that's how much of a problem it is. So imagine my abhorrence when I check itunes just now for the new songs (including but not limited to the new Glee songs, but for the sake of this blog that's all that matters) and come to find out that the 18 Glee songs I've purchased at $1.29 a piece are going to be available on the Glee Music Album Vol 1 for $12.99. I say WHAT!!!!!! That is approximately HALF of what I've already paid. And okay if that had been available the WHOLE time and I simply failed to notice and dumbly paid more than I should have but THIS IS NOT THE CASE. And I don't even have all the songs. I have roughly 2/3 or 3/4 the songs listed on that album. So now as the case stands I've already spent double the amount the album costs buying the singles...and if I want to get the songs I'll either have to shell out the $1.29 per song or pay the $12.99 and purchase the whole album. I'm not a swearing person (although I have a friend Nancy who lets loose the occassional expletive on my behalf) but I just have to say that's HORSE RADDISH (only in my mind I didn't say raddish!!!)!!! Please be angry with me people!


LindseyWatts said...

i am angry. that's a rip off. also you spelled off wrong.

Allison and Josh said...

Hey Amber! I know that a lot of times, if you have already purchased songs off of an album, when the full album comes out, iTunes will sometimes let you complete your album at a discounted price. Hopefully that will be the case with the Glee soundtrack!