Monday, December 28, 2009

Sierra Mystical

Today all the vending machines in my office building were sold out of Dr Pepper. In my distraught state an alternative decision could not be rationally made. I went to my old reliable…hit as many buttons simultaneously and let fate decide which one was pushed first. Much to my chagrin, the Vending Machine Gods deemed that I must have been a terrible person and that as punishment I should have to drink Sierra Mist

The History of Sierra Mist
Sierra Mist was once a pee. Until one day someone decided “What a waste? We should figure out a way to use this pee to make money.” That self-same person worked at a nuclear sugar plant. They decided to mix the urine, nuclear waste, and sugar to form a new organic compound called: urineium. Urineium was supposed to grow massive Godzilla-like plants. However all the plants died. So Mr Sierra, urineium inventor said to himself “People will drink anything these days if it’s carbonated” so he added some sodawater and invented Sierra Mist. It was a great success, since he was able to trick the people at Pepsi into paying him for Sierra Mist.
The End


LindseyWatts said...

i enjoyed the origin tale of "sierra mist". and am sorry you had to drink it. maybe you should come up with a new backup plan.

For My Little Family said...

Hahaha! You are funny!