Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Good Morning! Good Morning!

I am not a morning person. It's just not the way I was made. I hate how cold it is in the morning. Everything seems worse in the morning. I think 1/3 of the reason I hate birds is that they wail in the mornings as loud as they can outside my window. I wake up as late as is humanly possible every morning (so 7 if I'm really fast and really don't get ready aside from brushing my teeth and changing out of my pajamas) so that I can make it to work by 7:30. Usually that doesn't work out so well and I get in trouble. And then to top it all off my brain will not be cordial or nice or well anything until after about 9.   I mean seriously...grumpy bear has nothing on me.
I am a night person. I am the best night person you've ever met. No matter how little sleep I've gotten, no matter how tired I was earlier in the day, no matter how boring my surroundings happen to be I can stay awake for as long as I choose. Honestly 72 (+/- 2) hours I stayed awake reading all the Harry Potter straight through. And I didn't use caffeine. Honestly I can stay awake. It makes me an excellent driver on long road trips. And it also makes me really stupid when it comes to allowing my friends to stay at my house WAY later than I should considering I have to be to work by 7:30 each morning. But I don't fall asleep in movies. And everyone knows how much fun a gal can have by staying up late with her beau and her pal when they start singing, and dancing, and tapping, and cartwheeling, and playing ventriloquist dummy....oh wait that's Singing in the Rain. But really night time is fantastic. I would really make an excellent vampire. And not in an "Oooh Edward, you sparkle so please make me a vampire sort of way." (side note...sparkling vampires...how is that appealing and where in the football field of life did that come from? I found so precedence for vampire/sun sparkles. Ready? In the Lost Boys (1987 not the horrible new one that I watched literally 1 minute of) when the Frog Brothers and Sam kill Mark aka Bill of Bill and Ted's, the goo that spews out of him in lieu of blood sparkles in the sun when they go outside. Heh!) But a vampire in a cool party all night, sleep all day kind of way. I'd like to be the type of vampire that would hang out with Josef from Moonlight. (If you haven't seen Moonlight yet...do it. It was fantastic and it's only 16 episodes long so it's not like a huge time investment like Buffy or Angel.)
"So what?" you ask. This is what. I  woke up at 4:30 AM today. And I feel fantastic. All day I have felt fantastic. This never happens. I mean I've tried waking up at 5:30, 6:00, etc etc. And never have I tried waking up as early as 4:30. And apparantly that is the magical key. Wake up so early that it's still night and voila! I'm a morning person. I mean I've been really really fantastic all day.  So I'm going to try this again tomorrow. Maybe 4:30 AM is the new 11:30 AM. Who knows? It could happen.


Anonymous said...

I think you are really, really fantastic every day!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I know the woes of your morning issues. Congratulations on a possibly cure. You're great! xoxo Harminee

LindseyWatts said...

I agree with the fantastic everyday. Also, 4:30 is so early, waking up at 7 every day kills me. When I woke up at 5 on black Friday my day was awful and all morning I felt nauseous.