Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lessons In Economics


In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. Just ask wikipedia. Basically inflation means that the same drink from the vending machine that cost me $1.00 last year now costs me $1.25 this year.
Now some economists say "inflation ain't all that bad." Okay I'm sure they don't say exactly that because they're economists for Pete's sake! But they say as the value of a single monetary unit decreases that the amount of "real debt" decreases as well. I guess that means that instead of owing 1000 Dr Peppers, I would now owe 800 Dr Peppers. So woohoo! Or something.

Let's look at inflation in a real world setting...

Last Year:
Homeless Dale: "Can I have a quarter I'm trying to get a cup of coffee?"
You: "Sure thing Homeless Dale. I have a quarter right here."
Homeless Dale: "Thank you."

Today Outside of Smiths:
Homeless Wanda: "I'm trying to get some coffee. Do you have like $4.00 I could have?"
You: "No."

Seriously! Homeless Wanda, seriously? FOUR DOLLARS. Not even $1. But FOUR DOLLARS?! Now I'm all for being nice and really how much trouble could Homeless Dale cause in the middle of the morning with $.25 that I probably would just leave sitting in the bottom of my purse for 3 months. But Homeless Wanda I could buy like a meal with FOUR DOLLARS. And what kind of ritzy coffee (or cafe as the case may be) are you getting that you want me to contribute FOUR DOLLARS.

And this folks is inflation...when the homeless people start deeming a quarter to be meaningless and four dollars as spare change.


Lindsey said...

AMEN! I like Homeless Dale, he realized that he is extremely blessed to get a coffee from the 7-11 around the corner. Homeless Wanda, on the otherhand, feels entitled to get her morning cup from Starbucks!?! Homeless Wanda, maybe this is why you are homeless.

For My Little Family said...

Curse you, Homeless Wanda!

Mike said...

Homeless wanda probably makes more than I do per hour, and it's all tax free!