Thursday, June 24, 2010


I am a human being. (For now.) And as a human being, I get annoyed. I wouldn’t say I’m overly irritable, except for sometimes. But there is one person that talks to me on a regular basis who sometimes (most times) makes me want to pull out my hair, poke out my eyes, cut off my ears, and rip of my arms because this person is so irritating. The reason I’m blogging about this is…I want to know what I have to do to make sure all of my body remains intact. I’ve tried being nice. I’ve tried being short. The only thing I haven’t done is be outright MEAN…and I’m not going to do that. Do I just have to take this? I mean, when my every response is “Yuuup,” “Nope,” or “Mmmm,” isn’t that the universal code for “Leave me alone, you annoying person!” Also I feel bad that I totally just loathe being around this person. It’s rude…and I don’t think I’m naturally rude. (Not true. I am naturally rude. But I stopped being rude as best I could, and I think I’m habitually kind.) So really blogosphere…help. What should I do?


LindseyWatts said...
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LindseyWatts said...

i guess that depends. if you work with them you might have to just deal with it because if you "do" anything about it then the rest of your work life (until one of you leaves) could be miserable. and if it someone that hangs out with you STOP hanging out with them and tell the people that bring that person to hang outs that they are only allowed to come to HUGE hangouts. or i guess you could stop being nice, you know, hardly saying hi to them and stuff unless they force a hello down your throat. i don't know, it's tricky.

Mike said...

One thing I'd say to try is to not just be nice as in "polite" but try to be really super nice and do something thoughtful for them. Serve them in some way, and your love for them will grow. Then maybe it will soften their heart too. If that doesn't work... cheese their door/cubicle. (which would be especially funny if it happened to be someone you work with or maybe...for...)

Joe and Annie said...

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer :)

LindseyWatts said...

wow, i'm apparently a bad person. all i can think is how to get rid of them and instead i should have probably thought of how to be nicer. but that still sounds like even worse to me. i'm not naturally rude, but i'm not one of those people that is going to be nice to someone i don't like. oh well, guess i'm just an awful person

Anonymous said...

Well Amber, I would say in this particular case that you should do what Samantha would do. You can take it, get mad, or get even...