Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Regarding Oatmeal

I hate oatmeal. Everyone knows that. Or at least everyone who has faithfully read my blog. However, today I had a revaltion. One of the ladies at work (let's call her Jill) made some oatmeal for me and it was, dare I say it, delicious. I didn't feel like I was eating soggy clumps of bread. I just felt like I was eating delicious. Okay that's not true. It was okay but there was still a little bit of a texture problem for me. BUT I've been choking down clumps of soggy, rubbery bread for the past several months and today it had more the texture of poorly made instant mashed potatoes...which is definitely an improvement.
What did she do you ask? She heated up the water and poored the hot water onto the oatmeal while she stirred. I was operating by pooring in water and then heating up the water oatmeal mix in the microwave and then smooshing the glop around. Which more often than not resulted in a rubberized mass that looked something akin to artificial vomit. Not good.
But that is all behind me now. I have seen the instant oatmeal light and it is not repulsive. In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's not half bad.


For My Little Family said...

Do you know how I eat oatmeal? With lots and lots of butter and brown sugar. It almost defeats the purpose of eating oatmeal.

LindseyWatts said...

Oatmeal is delish! Add a little maple syrup and some fruit and...yum! Glad you blogged again

Lisa Bo Bisa said...

Oh you like anything?! But I am glad that you enjoyed it because its pretty much super tasty! Well if you cook it right!

Rachel said...

I love oatmeal too, but I enjoy it both ways. Gretel I think only eats it the way Jill does. I too am glad you blogged again.

Alison Wonderland said...

Oh Amber, oatmeal is so last year, we're all eating 9 grain now. But it's so cute that you didn't know that. *giggle giggle*

Anonymous said...

I love oatmeal as you well know. Also I think you spelled pouring, pooring unless that was your intention. You know cause oatmeal is a "poor" substitute for a breakfast burrito. Love mom.

Monteemom said...
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