Monday, July 12, 2010

Things I Learned From Movies

While re-watching a little show I love called Cranford last night, I made a few startling discoveries about my life. The most startling of which is that I am Miss Octavia Pole. (The only other major discovery is that “Mike” is Dr Harrison. Poor bloke…) But as it stands I am Miss Pole. Here are some examples of why.

1. She is by far the biggest gossip EVER.
"Put no further pastries to your lips for you will choke when you hear the news I must report. This is more preposterous and shocking than when Wormald's lions came and the little child's arm was bit clean off."
2. She is completely obsessed with stupid things.
"This is no occasion for sport! There is LACE at stake."
3. Despite having no experience with them, I feel I am a true authority on men and relationships.
"Men! They are all the same! They know everything about everything, save, when it is to happen and how it can be stopped. My father was a man. I think I understand the sex."

Basically I’m a completely ridiculous person. BUT I am super hilarious. And totally kind hearted. GO ME!


Megan said...

Okay, I've been watching Cranford this last week, and I love the quotes you chose for Ms. Pole. You forgot this one though "Mrs. Forrester, Please, you are BETRAYING your emotions."

Alison Wonderland said...
