Since I have to park all the f away and since I cannot be later than 2 minutes early to work without getting into trouble, I find myself parking in the meters for the first hour of every business day. Then for my morning break, I drive my car to Cartagena and walk back to work. It’s a tremendously exciting event. (Not)
However, today the walk back was totally awesome. There were some fireman down the road a wee bit and they had opened a fire hydrant. Why firemen do this sometimes is something I just don’t know. What I do know is that some firemen did this once to the fire hydrant by where I lived and it was the most awesome thing that ever happened. So today as I was walking on my way back (in my dress), I walked splashily through the hydrant water and had a marvelous time. And the rest of my day thus far has been fantastic.
Why do they do that? And why don't they ever do it at the hydrant in front of my house? That would be fun.
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