Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Late last night, while I was home in bed...

Last night was terrible. I woke up probably eight times and each time (for whatever reason) I was positive there was a person in my room. For obvious reasons, it was very disconcerting. But that’s not too uncommon for me and I could totally have handled that. The room phantasm only mad last night meh. No, no, last night was terrible because of my last dream. Dreams affect me a lot. My dreams are intensely real, they carry on and segue into the next night so I’m never left with a cliff-hanger dream…I just go back to sleep. And my dreams affect my real life and visa versa. (Example: I was really mad at my friend because she was being kind of wretched to me. I had a dream where she was being wretched to me and I called her an expletive…the next morning, I was over being mad at her. My dream released my anger and so I was happy.) So naturally my dream last night (regardless of what it was…) would have had an affect on me. Which is really bad since it was a nightmare.  
I woke up from my bad night sleep of paranoia and got ready for work. I changed my clothes, fixed my hair, brushed my teeth, found my keys, drove in my car, and I was running late so I parked in the metered parking. After putting my money in the meter I turn around to head into work. But three homeless men (three of the four homeless men who exist around my job) whose names in my dream were Mitch, Stan, and Daryl, came up to me. Now I’m not too afraid of homeless people especially not on a busy street in the morning when people are arriving to work. I figure if you’re just nice but not too nice and just keep on your way they aren’t going to cause you any trouble. My theories on homeless relations were shattered. Those three homeless men proceeded to assault me. And I was just there on the sidewalk screaming over and over for help. And no one stopped to help me. People even walked by but no one stopped to help. It was the most awful thing ever. After the homeless men left, my friend from work (“Jill”) found me on the sidewalk and took me inside and tended to me. I asked my boss if I could go home for the rest of the day…and he was thinking about it…when
I woke up. The relief of knowing it was a dream was unbelievable. But I still woke up crying. And have been fighting back more tears all morning. I am unbelievably shaken. When I parked my car, I was scared to get out. Thankfully none of our homeless men were out there because I don’t think I could have handled seeing them. I honestly would have thrown up. And I’m actually a little bit wary of just regular non-homeless men. I got in the elevator with some guy and I was freaking out a little bit.
So basically I have had a terrible night. It looks like I’m going to have a terrible day. And I am so worried about tonight when my dream either continues or segues into a different dream. Please PLEASE let it segue.


Alison Wonderland said...

I don't really know how to respond to this. I could go with the whole "it's just a dream" thing but if you haven't figured that out on your own I can't really help you.