Monday, January 24, 2011

Just So You Know

I love Dr Pepper. He is my boyfriend. We all know this. YEAH WE GET IT! YOU LOVE DR PEPPER. I apologize dear reader for there is a point to my bringing this up. That point being, when I am sick there is only one beverage I trust and turn to fix me up. And that is Pepsi. (Okay not true. I do drink Aloe Vera juice to settle an upset stomach. As it will either help you purge the upset or settle, but I only go in those extreme circumstances where purging is preferable to my suffering.) When I have a headache or feel slightly queezy or feel like I am going to have a headache or am going to feel slightly queezy, I feel like nothing puts a stop to the trouble like Pepsi.
My mom says that cola has settling qualities. Since people drink cola to settle stomachs. And also carbonation settles stomachs (alka-seltzer). And it has caffeine which is supposed to help headaches. So Dr Pepper, I love you. But Pepsi…I owe you my life. And there is always the drink my gramps taught me...Dr Pepsi...which should be the best of both worlds.