Thursday, October 6, 2011

Small Victories

Disclaimer: This could be TMI.

I have been really struggling with something for the past couple of weeks. I have just not been able to escape it no matter what I do. And it's really painful. It is a Satan Zit. Right on the tippy-tip of my nose I have had the most painful blemish of my life. The blemish is one of those lurks under the skin, never comes to the surface, feels like you're being stabbed with a knife zits. 

Actual Photo
So I've been walking around looking like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer or a stereotypical clown. And I've been doing everything I can to get rid of this monstrosity. Using every product in my house. Exfoliating my skin down to the layer just above the dermis. I've been walking around my house with product and bandaids on my nose which has made me look like I have had a nose job. Long story short (too late), I've done everything in my power to no avail. The thing would not die.
Then today, miracle of miracles, the demon spirit was exorcised. It's gone. I can touch my nose without feeling the impulse to weep. It's the greatest thing that has happened to my nose in a long time. And I'm so grateful.

Now all I have to do is figure out how to regrow the skin on my nose, and life will be perfect.


LindseyWatts said...

Whoa!! I am just now going through this, but to the side of my chin. And while thinking about the pain today i realized it was as though the zit is a colony of zit people stabbing me with KNIVES!!

Dr. Leo Marvin said...

Use windex. I learned it from the movies.