Wednesday, October 20, 2010

OJ Did It

This morning I woke up early. I got ready. I had enough time so I turned on the old ipod and sang and head wobbled to Newsies while putting on my make up and doing my hair. I was able to examine my clothing and pick out a tres cute outfit and chose heels for while in the office and flip-flops for the arduous trek to and from my car. I grabbed food for breakfast and food for lunch. I grabbed my orange juice to go and went on my merry way in Tilly. About 2 minutes into my journey I feel cold-wet on my skirt. What? Is my car leaking? Did it rain last night and I left my window down? No. And anyway that wouldn’t be the top of my skirt. Is the steering wheel wet? No. Oh what is this? I have wet on my jacket too? Did my milk spill? No. It’s not milk. Orange Juice? Orange juice. When did my orange juice spill? Is the cup leaking? No. What? And that’s as much as I’ve been able to figure out. It appears that I somehow dumped like 4 ounces of orange juice on my jacket and it poured down onto my skirt. And I didn’t notice myself doing this somehow. Fortunately you can’t see it on my skirt or jacket and it didn’t seep through to my white blouse! Phew! But I do now smell faintly of orange. It’s not a bad thing I guess. And I feel super adorable despite the orange scented skirt and jacket because "Jenn" did my hair and it is basically the cutest thing ever. Observe: 

So despite the orange juice debacle I am having a pretty sweet day. Not to mention we had Chili Verde and I spoke to the new love of my life. And I looked and smelled pretty good. Wink-face.

And just for the record and to ease the minds of those of you who may be worried let me state that I love orange juice and this incident has not hurt our relationship in the slightest. Orange Juice, worry not. I will still drink you at least once a day. My day would feel wrong without you.