Thursday, April 16, 2009

Something to read because're obviously bored.

I make no promises. This will probably not be entertaining at all. This is just me venting because well I like to vent. And with it or go visit a better blog than mine.

So I'd say I'm cute. Not like a 10. But on a good day when I've showered, make-upped and, styled my bangs I'd say I'm a solid 6. Maybe I'm delusional but I think that's accurate enough. And I think 6 is pretty good.

Also I don't care I'm pretty funny. I've got wit. (mostly.) I'm a passionate person. I mean how many people do you know stood in line for Harry Potter movie seats for 13 hours? If you know me then you have at least one. I'm an avid reader so, I mean, I'm literate. I have good teeth. And yet I have never been kissed.

And I'm talking like nothing. Not when I was 6 with little Tommy from down the street. (We didn't have a Tommy down the street.) Not when I was 11 with my "boyfriend" Derek who I didn't even talk to. (No Derek either) Not in Junior High with my other "boyfriend" Rick who I was madly in love with and the world stopped and started with him and me. (Rick wasn't there) Nor in high school, college, or now. Basically it's time to take a page out of my sister's book and adopt hundreds of cats. Thousands of Cats. Millions and billions and trillions of cats. I could be the crazy cat lady. I could live with my parents until they die and then I'll be forced to live on the street with my hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats until one day I die and they eat me out of respect. Ahh...that's the life.

Or I could day trip to Vegas and see the Thunder from Down Under?

I think I'll actually just work on being not such a whiner and just love the fact that I'm totally unattached and could potentially date someone some day. You know hope does spring eternal. Plus I'm terrible at taking care of pets and its just too far to Vegas.