Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Morning Today

 "Did you sleep through your alarm?" Mom said.
Panic courses threw every fiber of my being. Holy swear word! Did I sleep through my alarm? What day of the week is it? How could this have happened. "What time is it?"
7:02. I scramble from my bed in a spastic flurry of bumbling not-quite-awake-yet-ness.
7:03. I run around my room searching for something to wear.
7:04. I check my phone to see how we're doing on time.
7:05. I haphazardly change into my clothes for the day.
7:06. I run to the ladies room to do ladies room kinds of things including brushing my teeth and hair.
7:09. I grab my purse and run out the door.
7:10.  It snowed. But fear not for my mother has scraped the snow from my car. It is nearly ready for me to leave.
7:11. Pull out of the driveway.
7:12. Bon Jovi and I are "Livin' On a Prayer."
7:13. Head toward the freeway.
7:14. Enter the freeway.
7:15. Swear word! Why in the world would they make a freeway that can have a puddle that size so people can pretty much hydroplane at freeway speeds.
7:16. Seriously, it's called "drainage" people. This is a hazard. Oh Jesse McCartney soothe my frazzled nerves.
7:17. Exit free way.
7:18. Come on the speed limit is 40 mph. Why are you only going 38?
7:19. "Jay-sahn De-roooooloh"
7:20. Naturally I'm late enough to hit the school zone with the lights flashing.
7:21. Just waiting to turn left.
7:22. Waiting a red light. Who am I waiting for again? If I were a lesser person...I'd just go.
7:23. Swipe my card so I can park.
7:24. Park and quickly run across the street to my job.
7:25. Arrive at work. Reporting for duty.

Now while some people may be impressed that I was able to wake up and be to work 23 minutes later...don't be. I look terrible. And I'm exhausted. And I forgot my wallet and my cell phone. And I got a little bit in trouble. You see I have a bit of an "I'm not a morning person, so my first thing of the day is naturally to be late" thing going on. So naturally my boss does not find this to be an endearing quality. I find I'm needing to live my life based on the following table:

So naturally any time I have the unfortunate hiccup in my morning routine that gets me to work in the "Right on time" section, I panic. Because really "Right on time" is acceptable but it's cutting it close and if I were to be "Right on time" every day...I feel that the table would shift toward the "You'd better get here at 7" end of the spectrum.
But oh well. I made it. Even if I kind of smell and look really terrible, and kind of wish I could sleep. I made it.

Also, my wireless mouse and keyboard died again a while ago, so I'm stuck with Ouiser and if she keeps wheezing...I may strangle her with her cord.


Anne said...

So this is why you're not texting me back. I guess that's acceptable. Did Mark say anything today?

Lindsey Buck said...

Ha story of my life. So glad my mornings aren't so early anymore!

Rachel said...

Yeah. I was sorta wondering about the lack of response to my text message as well. remember when we had the conversatoin about how you never really smell... or at least I'm pretty sure I've never really smelt an Amber smell.

When you were deathly ill for a week a remember your bedroom had a mucky-ness to the air quaility, but that was the only time. So I'm sure you smell just fine. :)

Ouiser is the greatest name for a mouse, ps. Made my day.

Alison Wonderland said...

And good morning to you.