Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Power of Love

Monday was a b-word of a day. I worked for ELEVEN straight hours on a project for my boss that he gave me Monday morning and that needed to be done by roughly 8:00 AM Tuesday. So I had to get it done that day. I was so stressed and exhausted and pretty much freaking out. I finished of course, and the project turned out fairly well. If I had to grade my work I'd give it an A-/B+. (If you're curious I was making a power point. It ended up having 101 slides. Most with custom animation on all the text. Seriously it wasn't easy!)
So Tuesday morning I show up and go straight back to my bosses office and make sure there weren't corrections I needed to make. There were a few but less than I had expected. So with less then an hour til the deadline I was even more frazzled and stressed about the final two additional slides I had to make then I was yesterday. I honestly was ready to die a little bit. I leave my bosses office and head on over to my cubicle. When I get to my cubey what do I find? A Dr Pepper and a note that says "Is this going to be a Dr Pepper Tuesday? I thought so." How nice. My friend/co-worker who we'll call "Jenn" had given me a present and with that present gave me a new outlook on the day. It was amazing. Tuesday still kind of was awful but it was SO much better than it would have been. I love getting presents with notes. It really makes me feel so loved and appreciated. It doesn't even need a present (although I love presents.) but the note makes me feel happy. Then on Wednesday morning I went to my cubey and there was a hot chocolate and a muffin with a thank you note from my boss for my work on his presentation. I felt so loved.
There is a book that I read for my book club once called The Five Languages of Love. My major language was "Receiving Gifts." Which should not be surprising. I mean I still have a sucker that a boy (let's call him Jacob) gave me for Valentine's Day in third grade. Also when I was "dating" a boy that I didn't really like in middle school, I didn't end things until he was going to give me a present because presents to me are a big deal and that didn't feel right. That's the impression presents leave on me. So I think you should read that book.
Incidentally my second major language of love was "Words of Affirmation" so please feel free to comment and say how much you like me/my blog.


Alison Wonderland said...

I do love you, oh so very much. So much in fact, that I think I should get you a present. I'll have to think on that one for a bit...

LindseyWatts said...

don't you just hate those days? but at the same time if someone does recognize your hard work they are kind of worth it. i miss you, and there is no lost on tues and i'll be done with school, so can i come over and watch glee with you? i'll bring your guitars.

LindseyWatts said...
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LindseyWatts said...

....and maybe a yummy shake? cause you'll probably deserve one that day.

Mike said...

Amber, you and your blog are both fantastic!