Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Workplace No-Nos

Every job has taboo things. My job recently banned facebook. So now while I am up front waiting for people to walk in or waiting for the phone to ring, I can no longer look and see if the boy I lurve is chatting up some girl on his facebook wall. Sad face. But on a bright note...my only resort really is blogging. Which should bode well for my faithful few. (That means you Lindsey) Any who that got me thinking about a few of the taboo things at work whether they come down from management or whether they are the undefined social niceties of work. So here is a quick list of some:
1. Facebook
2. Going to get something to eat on break without asking other people if they want something.
3. Laughter*
4. Singing*
5. T-Shirts with stuff on them
6. Sweatshirts
7. Listening to music above a whisper
8. Miniskirts (but that is not even close to a problem for me, obviously)
9. Jeans (except for Thursday...which is my favorite day.)
10. Facial piercings with jewelry (once again not a problem for me)
11. The HR stuff to make sure no one gets sued.
12. Being late. (as is discussed here)
*I'm serious about these two. I got in trouble because I laughed (not loudly) and like sing-songily said hello to someone.

and well even I got tired of this list. But you get my point. And I'm sure you all have those things at your place of business as well. For example, I have three friends that work together. And apparently I am much discussed among the three of them while they are at work. In fact, their boss (let's call him "Dave") has banned me from being mentioned at work anymore. How cool is that? I'm a total rock star. I'm like Harry Potter, or Facebook, or The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, or The Beatles, or Elvis. I've been banned. Take that other humans...I'm totally taboo.


Anonymous said...

hahaha! that's funny because we can do most everything on that list, except I think my boss would not be a fan on the miniskirts, because a girl came in one once and he was like, "wow" and sent her an email saying: "Business Casual please". ha.

danielle said...

3 friends? poor lisa must feel so left out. COUGH. COUGH.

LindseyWatts said...

haha. yay! i like being mentioned in your blog. but it's true, i check daily and comment on almost all of them!

Lindsey said...

I should send a fruit basket to the management for banning facebook because now I can get my daily dose of Amber!
Back in my working days I was teased for how I answered the phone too cheerfully; apparently I was expected to bark out a greeting like everyone else in the office.

Alison Wonderland said...

Singing has been banned and you still work there? Why? How?