Tuesday, July 19, 2011


There are very few things in life that make you do this:
But yesterday something so wonderful happened that it restored my faith in humanity,  the order of the universe, and made me do my best Judd Nelson impression.

Yesterday, as I parked in the far off place, I noticed a GIANT White Tahoe taking up TWO compact car spots on a crookedy angle on the first floor. In so doing the GWT was not only parking in MY spot (Note: parking spots are not truly assigned...but I park there nearly ninety percent of the time) but was also preventing an entirely different person from parking in their spot as well. Aside from the injustice of stealing the parking spaces of two hard working people, the driver was also clearly not driving a compact car.

This pissed me off. As I was walking I thought, "If I had some freaking paper I would write this guy a strongly worded letter telling him how vehemently I disapprove of this inconsiderate and self-absorbed behavior."
So here is the letter I drafted in my head while walking the 80 minutes to my job:
Dear Inconsiderate Jerk,
I'm sure you're aware you have parked in the COMPACT parking area. I am sure you are also aware that you are taking up two spaces. Unless you are disabled there is really no excuse for this behavior and demonstration in laziness. If I were a lesser person I would let the air out of your tires. Undoubtedly this is something a horrible person like you would do, but I am not a horrible person so this letter will have to suffice. I sincerely hope that in the future you will park like a responsible human being and like less of a douchebag. I further hope that you hit a pot hole on your way home.
Everyone Who Has Walked By
Of course, I'd never really be rude enough to write that and stick it on someone's windshield. But it got all my anger out and I was able to move on with my day. 
When I walked to my car that night I had completely forgotten how incensed the GWT had made me. So when I entered the parking structure and saw it again...it was a cruel reminder of how awful some people are. But then the best thing ever happened that caused me to thrust my fist in the air...
That's right you a-hole! TICKET TIME FOR YOU!!!
And that is how I know that the world is a good and just place.


LindseyWatts said...

haha. so funny. I always want to leave notes or do something mean to cars that do this too. I did see on pinterest some cards (the size of business cards) that have the perfect message (there are a couple swear words on it though). Go check out my laughable board, you'll see it there. i've seriously thought about printing some out and carrying them around with me